I was too busy last week to post to my blog with work and quilting my life has been a little overwhelming. I’m very glad that we finished the IPO we had put so much time into at work. Now I just have to get through my audit and all the partnership returns and then I’m home free. My other big deadline is the quilt show that I’m putting my AOTH quilt in. I’m about half way done with the quilting and working like crazy on it. I ran out of thread and had to wait 4 days for more to come. The tread arrived today when I was at work and I got a few hours of quilting in before I had to go to my guild meeting.
Close up of the quilting |
My quilt guild had a Valentine’s Day block exchange and this was what my 32 blocks looked like.
Now that I’m done with all my needle turn I started a new quilt a long that is embroidery so I have some hand work to do. Just waiting for Esters new BOM to start. I have done two of the blocks so far.
I also accomplished quite a bit on my Peaceful Pathways quilt while I was waiting for thread to arrive. I have to get this done after the quilt show my nieces wedding is in July.
Well hopefully I will be showing you my finished AOTH quilt next week and I will be doing the happy dance.
Have a great week.